Coach Edward


The Savage Fitness Tracker can track Calories-Macronutrients (with a upc scanner for easy to update data), hydration, steps (with connected wearable Fitbit and/or Apple Watch) and has an optional section for Body measurements tracking and progression photos. As an added bonus, you'll be able to set a monthly 15 minute video call, with a success coach to further help you align your daily calories and macros.

Plan Includes

  • Calorie and Macronutrient Breakdown (with upc scanner)

  • Step Tracker with wearable Fitbit and/or Apple Watch

  • Hydration Tracking

  • (optional) body measurement tracking

  • (optional) Progressive Photo Tracking

  • (optional) monthly 15 minute Video chat with success coach to assure you're aligning your daily calories.

  • The app allows you to text directly to your success coach for questions concerning your plan.

How it works

  • $9.99 and cancel any time.
Select Plan
SAVE 50%
1 year

One Time Payment


1 month

One Time Payment


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